- Download Free Easy M4A to MP3 Converter for Windows to convert M4A files to different audio file formats.
- M4a To Mp3 Converter free download - Magic M4A to MP3 Converter, M4A to MP3 Converter, MP3 Converter, and many more programs.
Thank you for installing Free M4a to MP3 Converter! Convert m4a to mp3, aac to mp3 converter, m4a to wav, aac to wav. Fast and free audio converter for Windows, including Windows 10.
M4A is an audio-only file extension that stands for the MPEG-4 audio layer. It has better quality than MP3 and it is often used on iOS devices like iPhone and iPod. Some of the programs that support this format are Windows Media Player, Quicktime, iTunes and Roxio Popcorn, Toast and Creator.
You may want to convert M4A audio to MP3 if you wish to listen to the audio file on devices that do not support M4A. MP3 is the standard audio format so it is supported by most devices and media players. Furthermore, audio in MP3 format is a little smaller than audio in M4A format, so you will be able to save some memory space.
Shareware to Convert M4A file to MP3
Apowersoft Video Converter Studio is a program that you can use to convert M4A file to MP3 format. You can download the free trial version to test its features before you decide to get its full-featured version once the trial is over. This is a powerful and stable tool that offers more features than other free programs that convert M4A to MP3 online or even offline. It needs to be installed on your computer so you don’t have to launch your browser to use it.
It supports various formats including M4A, M4R, MP3, AVI, MKV, WMV, 3GP and more, portable devices like iPhone, iPad, iPod, Galaxy Smartphone, LG, HTC, etc. You can convert a video to another video or audio format and convert an audio file to another audio format fast and easily. Other features that this program boasts are video editor, video player, video downloader, video recorder and MV maker.
Comprehensive M4A to MP3 Converter
Another superb tool I recommend is Streaming Audio Recorder. Besides basic recording function, this tool also provides users with a built-in audio converter. It enables you to convert the M4A file to various formats like MP3, WMA, AAC, FLAC, WAV, etc. which cater to multiple demands of users. What makes it distinguishable from others is that this program empowers you to convert audio files in batch and can help users to merge a series of files into one file. Converting M4A to MP3 is no more a problem by using this powerful utility.
Here are detailed instructions on how to use it.
- Download and install the program on your computer, then launch it.
- Forward to tool menu on the upper-right of the main interface and click the “Audio Converter” tab.
- Hit the “Add” button and select the files you want to convert, and then click “Open” to upload files.
- After ticking the M4A file, you need to choose “MP3” as the output format and click the “Start” button to start the conversion process.
- Wait for a moment when the program converting file, then the converted MP3 file will be saved on your computer. You can check them by tapping the “Open folder”.
Four Free Ways to Convert M4A Audio to MP3
Method 1: Free Online tool – Apowersoft Free Online Audio Converter
This free tool is easy to use that you can convert M4A files or even other audio and video files saved on your computer to MP3 and other audio formats including WMA, WAV, RA, FLAC, AAC, AC3 and OGG without problems. Conversion can be done in several easy steps. Choose the video or audio you wish to convert to MP3, select a format and then convert or if you want to modify the audio parameters like bitrate, channel and sample rate, forward to “Settings” before you do “Convert”. The steps are not complicated that even those who are new to the process of converting files can do it like a pro.
Method 2: Convert M4A to MP3 with iTunes
If you have iTunes installed on your computer, you can also use it to free convert M4A to MP3. Here are the steps that you need to follow for the conversion.
- Open iTunes and click the drop-down arrow on the upper left corner of the window.
- Choose “Preferences”, General and Import Settings.
- Next to “Import Using”, select “MP3 Encoder” and click the “OK” button.
- Find the M4A file you wish to convert, right-click and select “Create MP3 version”.
Method 3: Convert M4A file to MP3 format with free M4A to MP3 converter
There are also free converters that you can download from the Internet designed to convert M4A files to MP3 or other audio file formats. Since they are free, they often come with advertisements. They also allow customization of output quality settings and some even come with a built-in player that lets you listen to the audio files saved on your computer.
M4a To Mp3 Converter Microsoft

Method 4: Convert audio between M4A and MP3 with Freemake Audio Converter
Freemake Audio Converter is another free M4A to MP3 converter that you can convert your audio in M4A to MP3 format. What’s more, it allows users to convert their audio files between various audio formats, including WMA, WAV, AAC, OGG, MP3, M4A, etc. Unlike the Apowersoft Free Online Audio Converter, you have to download and install it before using it.
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You can already start the program and convert your M4a, AAC, M4b to MP3 and WAV.
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