A look at rainfall statistics since last September 1st reveals an optimistic reality. Total rainfall since last September 1st at our weather station in Għarb is currently at 178.1 mm, a solid 39.3 mm above average. September 2019 was 22.9 mm wetter than average. Rainfall so far in October 2019 has surpassed the average for the month by 16.4 mm. These 178.1 mm were spread over 17 days. Thunder was heard on 11 of these days. Hail was observed on 1 of these days. The number of rain days, thunderstorm days and hail days exceeded the average as well. The highest 24-hour rainfall was registered back on September 10th, when a total of 44.7 mm was recorded by our rain gauge.
Misraħ L-Erbgħa ta'Settembru 35°53′16″N 14°31′01″E / 35.887701°N 14.517040°E / 35.887701; 14.517040 ( Statue of the Madonna and 00691.

Ħarsa ħafifa lejn l-istatistiċi tax-xita minn l-1 ta’ Settembru sal lum turi realta sabiħa ferm. It-total ta’ xita minn l-1 ta’ Settembru sal lum turina li tkejjlu total ta’ 178.1 mm ġewwa l-Għarb. Dan jaqbeż il-medja b’39.3 mm. Settembru 2019 kien 22.9 mm aktar imxarrab mill-medja. Sa issa, Ottubru kien 16.4 mm aktar imxarrab minn normal. Din ix-xita kienet mifruxa fuq medda ta’ 17-il jum. Ir-ragħad instema fi 11 minn dawn. Rajna ftit silġ f’jum wieħed biss. In-numru ta’ jiem bix-xita, ragħad u silġ ukoll kien aktar minn normal. L-aktar jum li fih għamlet xita kien nhar l-10 ta’ Settembru, meta l-pluvjometru tagħna kejjel total ta’ 44.7 mm.

Jeanette Settembre
- Her work has been published in translation in the collection Wara Settembru (2018, Slovene Writers Association) and in the collection Anthology of Young Maltese Poets (Vakxikon, 2019). She lives in Malta where she regularly facilitates creative writing workshops, literary salons, and poetry performances.
- September - Settembru, is the ninth month of the Julian and Gregorian Calender year and one of the four Gregorian months with 30 days. September is known as the month of Our Lady of the Victory 'ix-xahar tal-Vitorja', and students return to school after the Summer holiday.
- LITURĠIJA TAS-SIGĦAT SETTEMBRU 2020 Il-Ħadd It-Tnejn It-Tlieta L-Erbgħa Il-Ħamis Il-Ġimgha Is-Sibt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23.
Settembre Nbsp Meaning
September - Settembru