Eoc Prepwelcome To Mrs. Cuthbertsonmcfarland's Class Website

Economic Opportunity Program of Chemung and Schuyler Counties. 650 Baldwin Street. Elmira, NY 14901 (607) 734-6174. Monday through Thursday. The Kansas City Educational Opportunity Center is one of only three EOCs in Missouri and has been serving area residents since 1979. The program operates on a grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education administered by Metropolitan Community College. THE ULTIMATE EOC STUDY GUIDE (word docx) Link to the study guide in Google Docs KEY for Ultimate EOC Study Guide Quizlet for Review Study Island EOC Review.

Assistance with Applying for Adult Education-provide you help with information, enrollment, or completion of a GED program.

Academic Counseling-review the college catalog and your transcript/test scores to determine your eligibility for college admissions, exemptions, special programs, testing requirements, etc.

Career Guidance-assist you with choice of college major/career plans; administer career interest survey (on request) and review results.

College Information-provide you with information (admissions, testing, financial aid, housing, etc.) from colleges of your choice; review college costs, special admissions, etc.

Assistance with Applying for Admissions-help you apply for admissions, campus housing, and/or ACT, SAT, THEA, or Accuplacer registration.

Assistance with Applying for Federal Student Aid-assist you with completing the application process for Grants, College Work Study, and Student/Parent Loans, including college forms for financial aid; serve as liaison between you and the college.

Assistance with Applying for Scholarships-help you locate scholarship resources and apply.

Financial and Economic Literacy-provide you with workshops and/or individual counseling sessions to promote a better understanding of debt management, decision-making skills, budgeting, and student loans.

Referrals-connect you to information and links to additional community and social service resources.

The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and sponsored by Montana State University - Northern. It is one of nearly 80 EOC programs throughout the United States. All EOC programs help adults who wish to further their education. The EOC advisor/coordinator can provide academic, vocational, career, and financial aid information to you about going back to school.

The Educational Opportunity Center can provide:

  • Help with the admissions process and financial aid forms
  • Information on grants, student loans, and scholarships
  • Career exploration and interest inventory services
  • Information on all two-year and four-year colleges
  • Academic advising to prepare for college
  • Help knowing what to expect from college
  • Referral to support systems in college
  • Information in getting a GED
  • Use top-quality scholarship resources
  • Apply for federal financial aid on the Internet

Eoc Prepwelcome To Mrs. Cuthbertsonmcfarland's Class Websites

Our EOC advisor/coordinator can be your financial aid/admissions advocate. Call the EOC Office at 406.771.4326 or stop by student services to see what we can do for you!

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Contact Information:

Admissions & Records

2100 16th Ave South
Great Falls, MT 59405

Tel: 406-268-3700
Fax: 406-771-2267
Toll Free: 800-446-2698

Enrollment Specialist

Laramie Smovir

Administrative Associate II

Kimberly Blaine

Admissions Evaluator ll

Eoc Prepwelcome To Mrs. Cuthbertsonmcfarland

Eoc Prepwelcome To Mrs. Cuthbertsonmcfarland's Class Website Builder

Andrea Fossen