Drop Sum

The Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) provides you with an alternative method for payment of your retirement benefits for a specified and limited period if you are an eligible Florida Retirement System (FRS) Pension Plan member. Under this program, you stop earning service credit toward a future benefit and your retirement benefit is calculated at the time your DROP participation begins. While you are in the DROP, your monthly retirement benefits accumulate in the FRS Trust Fund earning interest while you continue to work for an FRS employer. Upon termination, your DROP account is paid to you as a lump sum payment, a rollover or a combination partial lump sum payment and rollover. Monthly benefits are paid to you in the amount as calculated upon entry into DROP, plus any applicable cost-of-living adjustments for intervening years. For more information, see the latest version of the DROP guide().

  1. Drop Sum Math
  2. Drop Sum Math Game
  3. Addition Games Abcya

The DROP Forms page provides access to forms available to DROP participants.

Drop dumplings for chicken and dumplings

The FRS Quick Clips page allows you to view short videos about DROP Retirement, Benefit Payment Options, and the DROP Termination Process.

Play DropSum hacked and unblocked: Drop tiles into the grid to make adjacent ones add up to the required number. If participants choose a lump sum, the FRS will send the DROP payment directly to the participant, less 20% withheld for federal income taxes. If the participant is younger than 59 ½ (or age 50 or 55 depending on the retiree service class), the DROP payout is considered an “early distribution” and may be subject to the 10% early. Summary – The Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) is a means of providing employees who choose to work beyond their normal retirement dates the flexibility to elect to receive some of their retirement benefits in a lump sum, rather than continuing to earn additional years of retirement service and higher monthly annuities.

Drop Sum Math

The following documents provide additional information about DROP:

  • Preparing to Terminate DROP() - Document that explains what to expect when you terminate DROP (the forms to submit, when you will begin receiving monthly benefits, etc.).
  • DROP Special Tax Notice() - Document that provides information for DROP participants including eligible rollover plans, payment options, tax effects and more.
  • DROP Rollover Flyer() - Document that provides information about your ability to roll over your DROP lump sum into the FRS Investment Plan.
  • Keep your DROP in the FRS() - Document that explains how you can roll over your DROP lump sum into the FRS Investment Plan.

The DROP Participation Chart page allows you to determine your maximum DROP termination date, based on your DROP begin date.

Drop Sum Math Game

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Addition Games Abcya

Drop Sum is an 8-bit style math game for kids to practice addition. Drop Sum has 2 modes of play: Make 10 & Random. In Make 10 mode kids must add falling blocks together to equal 10. In Random mode kids must add falling blocks together to equal a range of numbers 2-10. The goal of Drop Sum is to collect as many coins as possible by correctly adding together blocks to equal the target number. The game is over when a stack of blocks reaches the top of the screen. TIP: Stacks of blocks greater than ten will become frozen and stuck!