Linksfree Model Railway Resources

K–2 students in Communities Then and Now: Making a 3-D Model explore model train layouts of the past and present to learn about science topics like friction, the shape and stability of structures, and properties of matter, along with social studies and history. “They build an actual 3-D model of their community,” she notes. Is all about my Gn15 model railway, the Waterley Bank Estate Railway, where you may see several of the resources in use and find further modelling tips and advice. Links to other websites with free downloadable model railway resources. Jul 5, 2019 - Model Railway Track Plans: the top 5 free websites & resources for layouts, ideas, and track planning. Suitable for OO, HO and N gauge layouts. From the multi-award winning model railway.


This month we have a bunch of models from Fortnite, Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, Metal Arms, and more. We also have 11 custom models this month too so make sure to check those out as well. Thank you guys for being patient with us the last year, we on the models staff appreciate it and will continue to work as hard as we can this year to. Free Model Railway Resources. With no Download limits, user accounts or copyright restrictions. Many modellers do not bother with a timetable, and/or/because they have trouble trying to draw one up. Here is a template for a simple-ish timetable. Just overwrite each data cell with the relevant information for your railway.

You will find within this site many items that may assist you in repairing, identifying, and collecting HO Trains. Listed in the 'Literature Section' are Assembly Diagrams with Part Numbers for many different HO Engines and Rolling Stock. This Includes Athearn, Bachmann, Bowser, Globe, HObbyline, Kato, Model Power, Model Die Casting, Roundhouse, Penn Line, Mantua, Tyco, AHM, Rivarossi, Varney, and ManyMore. Additionally, Catalogs, Brochures, and Product Sales List for these trains can be referenced here.


A photo reference Gallery features many pictures of Vintage HO Model Trains such as Athearn, Bowser, Gilbert, HObbyline, John English, Mantua, New-One, Penn Line, Rivarossi/AHM, Revell, Ulrich, Varney, Winton, and ManyMore.

Linksfree Model Railway Resources

If you are interested in selling or buying any scale model trains visit the HOseeker Auction. Listing, Buying, and Selling trains on the HOseeker Auction is totally FREE.

If you are in possession of any HO or N Scale train brochures, catalogs, assembly instructions for engines, cars, and structures that are not listed on the site contact me about adding them to the HOseeker Website.Please use this email address if you want to contribute information or if you should find any broken links.

Please Note: I do not appraise trains and do not know the value of your model.

Hope your visit to the HOseeker Website is both enjoyable and helpful.


The Pemco Railway System HO-scale trains enjoys one of the shortest lives of any model train product line offered in the U.S. Pemco stood for Precision Engineered Models Company. Investigation into the origin of Pemco finds that it was conceived as a product line that would be aimed at the “toy train” buyer, but made to a level somewhat higher than the standard TYCO quality popular in that category around 1980.

One story often told relating to the origin of the Pemco line is that Aurora was planning entry into the HO-scale R-T-R train market in the late 1970s. Aurora is well known for its various model kits, slot cars, and offered a line of N-scale model trains in the late 1960s. The company has in the past offered HO-scale accessories in the form of building kits, but has never offered HO-scale trains in the U.S.

Apparently, Aurora decided against entering the American HO-scale train market or was in the midst of some financial situation that prevented this expansion into HO-trains. Though HO-scale trains boxed in the black-and-gold packaging that you find Pemco trains has been found bearing the Aurora name and logo. These items also carrying both English and French labeling and are known to have been sold in Canada around the same time the Pemco line arrived in America.

Research indicates Pemco may have had a marketing arrangement with Aurora for distribution of the Pemco train line in Canada and the items were packaged with Aurora’s Aurora name. Pemco’s line featured a number of offerings that were and continue to be unique tool & die work in the HO-scale R-T-R (ready-to-run) marketplace. There is only one known Pemco product catalog, which is undated, and contains color images of most of what is known to exist.

Linksfree Model Railway Resources

Linksfree Model Railway Resources
