Far Conservatoryolms Ai Ci Program

New York City Covid-19 Vaccine Program Has Shaky Start, Council Members Say Gov. Cuomo said the state would embrace expanded CDC guidelines to vaccinate people 65 and older and the immunocompromised. CABs are good at broadcasting change, but people that far removed from the change might not understand the implications of those changes. Treating all changes equally. When all changes are subject to the same approval process, change review is inefficient, and people are unable to devote time and attention to those that require true. For assistance by phone or to make an appointment to meet in person with City of Milpitas Staff, at the Barbara Lee Senior Center at 40 N. Milpitas Blvd., call Program Coordinator Charu Aggarwal at (408) 586-3405. The City of Milpitas is a welcoming and inclusive community.


National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research InstitutesNSF Wide Programs


Important Notice – Change in individual eligibility restrictions

Both the FAQ and the script from the September 21 Webinar have been revised to reflect a change in restrictions for individuals holding active relationships with partner companies. Eligibility restrictions are limited to the themes associated with those partners. Please consult the FAQ for full details.

AI Institutes Program TeamAIInstitutesProgram@nsf.gov703-292-5111

For general inquiries regarding this program (not theme specific) please email the program leads at:

Program Leads:

  • James Donlon
  • Rebecca Hwa

For inquiries related to the responsiveness of your ideas for the Themes listed in this solicitation, please contact the program officers listed below.

Theme 1: Human-AI Interaction and Collaboration

  • Balakrishnan (Prabha) Prabhakaran, CISE/IIS, bprabhak@nsf.gov
  • Todd Leen, CISE/IIS, tleen@nsf.gov
  • Tatiana D. Korelsky, CISE/IIS, tkorelsk@nsf.gov
  • Amy L. Baylor, EHR/DRL, abaylor@nsf.gov

Theme 2: AI Institute for Advances in Optimization

  • Roger Mailler, CISE/IIS, rmailler@nsf.gov
  • Georgia-Ann Klutke, ENG/CMMI, gaklutke@nsf.gov
  • Scott Acton, CISE/CCF, sacton@nsf.gov

Theme 3: AI and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

  • Tevfik Kosar, CISE/OAC, tkosar@nsf.gov
  • James Donlon, CISE/IIS, jdonlon@nsf.gov

Theme 4: Advances in AI and Computer and Network Systems

  • Matt Mutka, CISE/CNS, mmutka@nsf.gov
  • James Donlon, CISE/IIS, jdonlon@nsf.gov

Theme 5: AI Institute in Dynamic Systems

  • Ying Sun, ENG/CBET, yisun@nsf.gov
  • Shahab Shojaei-Zadeh, ENG/CBET, sshojaei@nsf.gov
  • Jordan Berg, ENG/CMMI, jberg@nsf.gov
  • Anthony Kuh, ENG/ECCS, akuh@nsf.gov
  • Edward Berger, ENG/EEC, eberger@nsf.gov
  • Huixia (Judy) Wang, MPS/DMS, huiwang@nsf.gov
  • Erion Plaku, CISE/IIS, eplaku@nsf.gov

Theme 6: AI-Augmented Learning

  • Amy L. Baylor, EHR/DRL, abaylor@nsf.gov
  • Tatiana D. Korelsky, CISE/IIS, tkorelsk@nsf.gov
  • Edward Berger, ENG/EEC, eberger@nsf.gov
  • Abiodun (Abby) Ilumoka, EHR/DUE, ailumoka@nsf.gov
  • Li Yang, EHR/DGE, liyang@nsf.gov

Theme 7: AI to Advance Biology

  • Sridhar Raghavachari, BIO/IOS, sraghava@nsf.gov
  • Héctor Muñoz-Avila, CISE/IIS, hmunoz@nsf.gov
  • Rebecca Hwa, CISE/IIS, rhwa@nsf.gov

Theme 8: AI-Driven Innovation in Agriculture and the Food System

  • James Donlon, CISE/IIS, jdonlon@nsf.gov
  • Steven Thomson (USDA/NIFA) steven.j.thomson@usda.gov

Other Agency Contacts

  • Steven Thomson, National Program Leader, USDA/NIFA, steven.j.thomson@usda.gov 202-603-1053
  • Stephen Dennis, Program Director, DHS, Stephen.dennis@hq.dhs.gov, 202-254-5788
  • David Kuehn, Program Manager, DOT FHWA, David.Kuehn@dot.gov, 202-493-3414


Solicitation 20-604

Important Information for Proposers

A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1), is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after June 1, 2020. Please be advised that, depending on the specified due date, the guidelines contained in NSF 20-1 may apply to proposals submitted in response to this funding opportunity.


Far Conservatoryolms Ai Ci Program Login

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced tremendously and today promises personalized healthcare; enhanced national security; improved transportation; and more effective education, to name just a few benefits. Increased computing power, the availability of large datasets and streaming data, and algorithmic advances in machine learning (ML) have made it possible for AI research and development to create new sectors of the economy and revitalize industries. Continued advancement, enabled by sustained federal investment and channeled toward issues of national importance, holds the potential for further economic impact and quality-of-life improvements.

The 2019 update to the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, informed by visioning activities in the scientific community as well as interaction with the public, identifies as its first strategic objective the need to make long-term investments in AI research in areas with the potential for long-term payoffs in AI. The President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology has published Recommendations for Strengthening American Leadership in Industries of the Future, including AI, and calls for new and sustained research in AI to drive science and technology progress. The National AI Research Institutes program enables longer-term research and U.S. leadership in AI through the creation of AI Research Institutes.

Far Conservatoryolms Ai Ci Program Online

This program is a joint government effort between the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T), and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). New to the program this year are contributions from partners in U.S. industry who share in the government’s goal to advance national competitiveness through National AI Research Institutes. This year’s industry partners are Accenture, Amazon, Google, and Intel Corporation. This program solicitation invites proposals for full institutes that have a principal focus in one or more of the following themes, detailed in the Program Description:

Far Conservatory Olms Ai Ci Program Application

  • Theme 1: Human-AI Interaction and Collaboration
  • Theme 2: AI Institute for Advances in Optimization
  • Theme 3: AI and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
  • Theme 4: Advances in AI and Computer and Network Systems
  • Theme 5: AI Institute in Dynamic Systems
  • Theme 6: AI-Augmented Learning
  • Theme 7: AI to Advance Biology
  • Theme 8: AI-Driven Innovation in Agriculture and the Food System

Far Conservatoryolms Ai Ci Program 2020

Far conservatoryolms ai ci programming